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Blog Archive. Picture Window theme Powered by Blogger. In This Devil of a Market, Could 666 Be the Bottom. For those who have been following my outlook over the past two years, you know that I have been extremely bearish most of the time but have suffere d from temporary insanity in trying to call interim or even ultimate bottoms I had some success last year in doing so certainly not with my horrible call last May , but clearly this is a game that is rapidly losing participants When I first realized we were in for a terrible bear market in the summer of 2007, I was worried that I didn t know how it might end At the time, I was most concerned about housing and guessed that the end would be the nationalization of the GSEs Nope, that wasn t it. Over the past few months, as we have gotten by definition closer to the bottom both in time and in level, I have gained further clarity regarding how to tell that the economy is at a bottom, and it isn t anytime soon I have identified three major signs to look for when anticipating an end to this depression. Home prices will actually be cheap compared to median incomes overshoot. Savings rates will be approaching 10.Debt to Asset levels will be lower in general for companies and significantly lower fo r Financial companies. It s really that simple and all about deleveraging, but it takes time and will look very ugly along the way I am sure that there are other milestones, but these are certainly among them Even when the bottom is in for the economy, the higher tax burden to pay for the rescue and continued consumer aversion to spending is that possible in America will constrain growth for years to come most likely. Stocks, though, are a tougher call They will bottom earlier than the economy, and they may have fits and starts Bear markets typically have the most powerful rallies of any type of market in terms of percentage moves up over a short period of time I have suggested on a few occasions that the lows could occur late in the year in a range on the S P 500 of 625-675 1 17 blog with an interim bottom in the March April time-frame we are there I followed up that forecast with some additional support last month I now want to add that I have additional insight into the actual level o f the interim low I expect over the next few days or weeks. Yes, wouldn t that be ironic One hell of a terrible market bottoms at the sign of the Devil click on chart to enlarge Maybe the apocalypticists are right The low on Friday was 666 8 - close enough for me Maybe we have to close there It isn t too far away. I have written a lot of very negative articles in the past few months and several that suggested selling specific stocks, and every single one of these stocks appears to have priced in the issues that I saw I am hard-pressed to recommend a sale at this level in any of them except maybe Wal-Mart NYSE WMT , which has rallied back and could see a flight from quality General Electric NYSE GE , Weight Watchers NYSE WTW , Kraft KFT , and AT T NYSE T may not merit buys , but they sure seem overdone and likely to at least retrace some of their losses. So, while I have given up beating the rally drum at least publicly , I do remain hopeful that we are due for a bounce It sure seems like everyone has given up I continue to suggest that the market can t erode faster than time, yet it does we are down 25 though the year is only 18 complete, suggesting at this rate that it could go below zero I do expect that we could face more pain later this year even if we do bounce here, but I sure appreciate the potential for a 666 low. Disclosure No position in any stock mentioned. About this article. Thread Forex Price Action. Originally Posted by Gangman style. Just to answer on your questions I posted pics with zoom chart to look clear, The pullback on H4 is the first red candle above resistance line, second the level are in the past and steel working I know that we should follow the price and place if have points for that new S R, in this pic we have another S R levels but they are very far away from the current price down so the down SR the red doesn t work for the current price place I will post unzoomed pic The PA signal is inside bar John say that we use in this method pin, engul f 2bars, and inside bars the red and small green candle after it Attachment 39789.I might be getting what you say Could you please clarify - do you call that one small bearish candle purple circle below a pullback A pullback to your support resistance line at 1 0018 If so, please compare it to what I call a pullback from my previous post with blue curvy shape on it I am not saying I m right, just want to make sure we are on the same page. I am pretty sure your IB looks more like my style kind of pullback on lower TF, but to see it correctly I d have to go to 1h 5m chart Way too low for my still low confidence. Another thing - you need to remember the S R is a zone not a single pip line and IBs are rather for people with some success with other PA signals, although if you feel confident playing them now and they proof profitable to you why not - Just my two pips. PS Yes, I personally recall Jonathon saying we ll be playing IBs for this method too although I had not seen a single example of it across last 666 pages, if you have any that you noted down, I d be more than happy to add them to my Cheat Sheet. Originally Posted by XactoPip. Hi everyone Just finished reading through half this thread, which is Awesome by the way and John you have the patience i can only envy i really mean that Any how, i wanted to post a chart for you all to critique me on Perhaps you all can let me to know if i m drawing these s r zones correctly to help reinforce my logic I want to make sure i have a solid understanding of exactly how PA is supposed to be traded from S R zones, and the way i learn is interactively so I will be posting more charts in the future. Here is one of the pairs i ve been watching to produce an opportunity to enter with the trend Though the recent swing lower low is making me question the buyer power at this point, something to keep in the back of your head. However, Technically its still a Higher Low if you use the low from Jan so the up trend is still intact and i m look ing to PA for Long signals at Support zone. All comments are welcome. Hi Xacto if anything I would say this pair looks caught in a bit of a range at the moe. However provided the range is big enough, and you trade from the extreme top or bottom they can be quite profitable to play. Waiting for price to move down to that blue zone you have highlighted to get long looks like a smart play provided we get some confirming PA of course. It doesn t have much space to move The candle closed higher than in your chart Also other JPY pairs didn t form any BUEB and JPY pairs are strongly correlated. Just a note on correlation just because the others didn t act the same doesn t invalidate a setup Best to evaluate each chart on its own when making a trade decision Though they have the JPY in common, they each have a different unique region attached to them. IMHO, the BUEB on CADJPY was pretty decent My only concern would have been that in forming the BUEB, price made a lower low, meaning there might be a p ossibility of a lower high who knows Moral may be good idea to be conservative with TP targets on this one. Originally Posted by forex4worth. Hello Johathon could you please clarify one thing, i have read this sentence in many of your posts on this thread I took partial profit and left the rest to break even I dont understand you took the partial profit and left the rest to break even When the took your partial profit means you closed your position and when its closed then how can it will go back to breakeven Is this is some sort of automatic trading Or is it some MT4 feature which i dont know Finally i want to ask that on internet there are thousands of scammy rubbish automatic systems available and none of them works anyone here used automatic trading to automate this price action system I personally think that, s impossible as automatic trading softwares use indicators for making buy sell desicions and we PA traders dont use any indicators and we mostly depend the visual reading of cha rts Thanks.1 Split the trade position into, say, two, and set different TPs for them When TP1 is hit, SL of position 2 moved to BE.2 Have one position, then manually close out only a portion of it MT4 allows that when closing the trade, edit the lot size to reflect how much of the position to close out. I personally prefer method 1, way simpler. PS i think it s also good including this here when a trade gets to a trouble area or first TP area, one can do one of the following.- Take partial profit and move remainder to BE - Move whole position to break even - Take full profit - Do nothing. Last edited by dudest 01-27-2013 at 04 05 AM.
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